Waterstudio featured at Russian Festival of contemporary Dutch architecture
Waterstudio featured in the exposition, documentary and book of Russian Festival of contemporary Dutch architecture
Written by Russian documentary
Waterstudio featured in the exposition, documentary and book of Russian Festival of contemporary Dutch architecture
Written by Russian documentary
An interview with Koen Olthuis about living on water on RNW, Radio Netherlands Worldwide.
“In the concert of world renowned architects Koen Olthuis is playing the lead when it comes to houses on or close to the water.”
Klimawandel? Kein Problem…
Written by WDR Radio
WDR Radio – Klimawandel? Kein Problem…
Curly hair, casually dressed, no frills, 185 tall, just turned 38, and already almost a worldstar. That is Koen Olthuis, architect from the Dutch town Rijswijk just outside The Hague. In the concert of world renowned architects he is playing the lead when it comes to houses on or close to the water.
European Water News: “Acqua alta highlights innovative concepts and examples of successful interaction of modern architecture with water, these examples include presentations by eminent international architects such as Hadi Teherani and Koen Olthuis”
Consequences of Climate Change and Flood Protection
Written by European Water News
“From mosque to living area, everything can be built floating. Koen Olthuis does it scarless.”
The city of tomorrow may be build on water
Written by NRC Handelsblad international, Tracy Metz
Shanghai Morning Post prepares for climate change conference Copenhagen. Rolf Peters: “Learn to live in harmony with the water”.
No longer fighting the water, but living with the water
Written by Shanghai Morning Post, Yuwenyan
Koen Olthuis gave a lecture about new density on water at Acqua Alta in Hamburg, Germany
Koen Olthuis during his lecture at Acqua Alta
Koen Olthuis and Rolf Peters on the Acqua Alta in Hamburg.
Koen Olthuis and Rolf Peters gave a lecture about new density on water at Hydrocity in Toronto, Canada.
Koen Olthuis has joined the official and economic delegation of province South Holland to China.