Schoonschip Amsterdam
At the official website of Schoonschip project in Amsterdam, you can find some interviews of the owners of the floating houses. With them Is Bart Mol, for whom Waterstudio designed a floating duplex building. The interview you can read below.
Bart Mol
In 2016 both our families sold their houses and in the meanwhile we both rent temporary appartments in the east of Amsterdam
Scrum master. Involved in the food platform I’m a Foodie
How would you describe a Schoonschipper?
A combination of special traits: idealistic, realistic, ambitious, willing to take risks, trying to improve the world in small steps and bizarrely persistent!
You share your plot with two households. How is your cooperation?
We went through the whole process in good harmony, visiting many suppliers of doors, stairs. And nice eateries.
We have been very lucky with our architect, Waterstudio. A sympathetic and creative group that has a lot of experience creating floating houses. They came up with six variations and then we started puzzling. We chose a relatively simple design, in order to be efficient and flexible.
How do people around you react on the project?
Through the years it changes, from ‘totally awesome’ to ‘how are you proceeding with your air castle?’ We can imagine those reactions. At some point we stopped giving indications on our planning.
What do you hope that Schoonschip will offer to Amsterdam?
A succesfull showcase of a group of normal citizens who share a common vision, plus the motivation to make it work!
I am happy with every person that we inspire to live more consciously regarding our environment and the world we live in.