Sono i nuovi pionieri. Ma questa volta la frontiera che vogliono conquistare è liquida e le case, ipertecnologiche ed ecosostenibili, sono su palafitte. Per i seguaci della filosofia nata in America negli anni ’80, un nuovo capitolo si sta per scrivere nelle acque panamensi. Per chi vuole prenotare, meglio pagare in Bitcoin
La desalinizzazione delle acque, il giardino di coralli artificiali, l’alimentazione a pannelli solari e le colture idroponiche sono dettagli. Significativi, ma dettagli. La vera novità nel progetto che sta prendendo forma nelle acque territoriali panamensi a firma Ocean Builders è la visione del mondo (e del mare) che lo nutre.
Essere autosufficienti in mare aperto
All’origine c’era un’idea, e un movimento, nato negli anni ’80, sviluppato nei ’90, ora reso tangibile, chiamato Seasteading, dalla fusione di sea, mare, e homesteading, prendere possesso di una proprietà per viverci in maniera autosufficiente.
Nel rendering, due SeaPod sottocosta.
Finora lo sfruttamento di alcune piattaforme petrolifere o di navi da crociera abbandonate è tutto ciò che ha prodotto. Al più ambizioso dei progetti, la Freedom Ship, una barca lunga un miglio per 50 mila persone che alla fine degli anni ’90 avrebbe dovuto circumnavigare il mondo («Ci stanno ancora lavorando….») aveva preso parte anche il Ceo di Ocean Builders, Grant Romundt che, dall’Idaho, via zoom, racconta a iO Donna a che punto sono i lavori per la costruzione della fabbrica che produrrà i giganteschi “SeaPod”, i baccelli marini, unità di misura dei villaggi su palafitte che stanno per nascere al largo: La pandemia ci ha rallentato, ma non ci siamo mai fermati. La fabbrica ospiterà la più grande stampante 3D dell’America latina, in grado di realizzare un modulo in un week end.
L’acqua e gli architetti olandesi
Il primo prototipo di SeaPod, disegnato dagli ingegneri, era brutto, racconta Grant, che si definisce «un amante dell’acqua e della tecnologia». Perciò è stato coinvolto lo studio di architetti più all’avanguardia quando si tratta di costruire sull’acqua, gli olandesi di Waterstudio. Il loro motto è: “Il futuro sostenibile sta oltre il lungomare”. «Ho incontrato Koen Olthuis di Waterstudio a Singapore, e subito ci siamo messi a disegnare come due bambini». Il risultato sono le strutture che vi mostriamo nei rendering in questa pagina, «degne dei Jetsons», il cartoon di Hanna e Barbera – da noi erano I pronipoti – protagonista una famiglia del futuro. Nessun angolo vivo, tre piani attrezzati issati su un palo in grado di resistere al moto ondoso: «Nella versione da alto mare, i test sono stati fatti su onde di cinque metri, ma per ora lavoriamo sottocosta» spiega Grant.
Il flop thailandese
Così era stato in Thailandia, il capitolo precedente nella storia dei Sea Builders. Ma l’idea che una città galleggiante potesse sorgere al largo di Phuket e che, un giorno, i suoi residenti potessero reclamarne la sovranità aveva spaventato le autorità di Bangkok e l’ingegnere capo del progetto era stato costretto a levare le ancore in grande fretta. «Le novità spaventano» chiosa Grant. «Ma vivere sul mare è un’ambizione che l’uomo ha da sempre, simile a quella che spinse i pionieri verso l’America. Anche questa in fondo è la conquista di una frontiera, il mare è una finestra da spalancare, ricca di opportunità per chi ha spirito imprenditoriale. Potrebbe trattarsi di un cambiamento epocale. E noi, che disponiamo dei mezzi necessari per realizzarlo, siamo gli unici in questo momento a lavorarci».
Il bagno del SeaPod.
Vero, lo storico movimento che oggi fa riferimento al Seasteading Institute, alla nostra richiesta di intervista, nella persona della Development director Carly Jackson, ha risposto così: «Siamo una piccola organizzazione no profit, non intendiamo progettare e costruire sistemi da soli. Il nostro ruolo è stato tradizionalmente quello di ricercatori e non abbiamo ingegneri nel nostro personale». Ocean Builders tra i propri finanziatori, in compenso, ha Rüdiger Koch, un ingegnere aerospaziale tedesco in pensione che, ci spiega Grant, «punta a esplorazioni ancora più radicali»: per Koch le piattaforme di seasteading rappresentano il perfetto trampolino per il progetto di “launch loop”, un cavo per lanciare, letteralmente, oggetti nello spazio.
Alla portata dell’americano medio
I talenti visionari non mancano, ma nemmeno il senso degli affari fa difetto. Il sito dei Sea Builders offre numerose opzioni di acquisto, affitto o multiproprietà (i Bitcoin sono il mezzo di pagamento preferito, «ma accettiamo anche versamenti via Paypal, e puntiamo, dopo i primi tempi, ad abbattere i costi fino a 195 mila dollari per un modulo, un prezzo alla portata dell’americano medio» spiega Grant).
La cucina, con vista, del SeaPod.
Per essere uno cui non manca il senso pratico e che sta scommettendo su un’idea di futuro da film di fantascienza, Grant però esita a delineare il tipo di società che ha in mente per gli abitanti dei SeaPod. «Persone diverse sono attratte dal progetto per ragioni diverse. Alcuni apprezzano l’aspetto libertario (tra i fondatori del movimento c’era Patri Friedman, anarco-capitalista e nipote del premio Nobel per l’economia, Milton Friedman, ndr). Altri vi hanno visto un’opportunità dopo che in alcuni Paesi il lockdown ha rivelato aspetti autoritari». Per ora, sostiene, loro puntano soprattutto allo sfruttamento turistico: «Decidere di vivere sul mare a tempo pieno è un grande passo, meglio andare per gradi». Chi si occuperà di mantenere l’ordine, dare le linee della governance (o almeno il regolamento di condominio), fornire i servizi essenziali è ancora da definire. E se non dovesse funzionare? «Il nostro sarà diverso da un villaggio terrestre dove le case sono piantate nel terreno. Se costruisci sull’acqua ogni aspetto della vita comunitaria si presta alla sperimentazione. Una comunità può organizzare la raccolta dei rifiuti coi droni, un’altra con le barche. Se penso alla vostra Venezia… credo proprio che potremmo darvi una mano».
How the 1960s craze for oceanic exploration changed our relationship with the planet
By Chris Michael
The Guardian
In November 1966, the Gemini 12 spacecraft, carrying two astronauts, splashed down in the Pacific. The four-day mission was a triumph, proving that humans could work in outer space, and even step into the great unknown, albeit tethered to their spacecraft. It catapulted the US ahead of the USSR in the space race.
From then, Nasa’s goal was to beat the Russians to the moon. That meant weeks rather than days in space, in an isolated, claustrophobic environment. There was one perfect way to prepare humans for these conditions: going underwater. The world was gripped. If we could land people on the moon, why not colonise the ocean as well?
Nasa scientists were not the first to dream of marine living. Evidence of submarines and diving bells can be found as far back as the 16th century. The literary grandfather of all things deep, Jules Verne, popularised the idea of a more sophisticated underwater life with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in 1872, but it was in the 20th century that the fascination really took hold.
In the 1930s, American naturalist William Beebe and engineer Otis Barton collaborated on experimental submersibles called bathyspheres which set records for deep diving and opened up the underwater realm of plants and animals to science. Swiss physicist and oceanographer Auguste Piccard created the bathyscaphe (which used floats rather than surface cables) in 1946, and his son, Jacques, was on the record-breaking voyage to explore the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on Earth, in 1960. Auguste also created the mesoscaphe – the world’s first passenger submarine – in 1964.
Koen Olthuis is telling about how the future of living with water could look like and how Schoonschip is a step in the evolution in the rise of the blue city
Dutch architectural studio Waterstudio designed a 40 metre tall floating tower made of CLT for the city of Rotterdam (NL).
CLT, which stands for Cross Laminated Timber, is a sustainable up and coming material in architecture. Wood is a renewable resource, and by turning it into CLT, even wood that is less suitable for construction, like softwoods, can be turned into buildings. This way, lighter constructions can be built than with for instance steel or concrete, making it especially suitable for floating architecture.
The design of the tower is compared to a sheet of paper that is pushed together so that a tower appears. The white sheet is floating above the water on a transparent layer with vegetation. It is hold in place by a wooden structure of V-shaped columns. The tower is pushed up asymmetric from the deck, which creates an opening in the middle of the building. This opening functions as an atrium on the lower level, to provide light and a spacious feeling.
The foundation of the building consists of three concrete barges, The tower itself will be constructed in three parts on a wharf and assembled on site.
The main function of the tower is to accommodate offices. However, the ground floor forms a mix-use public layer, just above the water level. It is designed as a public green park.
Located in the harbour of Rotterdam, the FloatingTimberTower uses as little energy as possible. The building runs on solar power and reuses heat produced by the structure itself or extracted from the surrounding water.
Architect: Koen Olthuis – Waterstudio.NL
Concept developer: VORM
Pracownia Waterstudio stworzyła projekt architektoniczny wysokiego na 40 metrów budynku z drewna. Nie byłoby w tym może nic niezwykłego, gdyby nie fakt, że w zamierzeniu architektów ów budynek ma… pływać po wodzie.
Nietypowa architektura z drewna
Pływająca wieża z drewna – to budynek biurowy, zaprojektowany dla bardzo konkretnej lokalizacji. Autorzy projektu architektonicznego widzą go pływającego po zatokach i kanałach Rotterdamu. Drewniany budynek powstał we współpracy z gotową sfinansować jego budowę firmą deweloperską oraz z pracownią inżynieryjną Hercules Floating Concrete, zajmującą się tworzeniem konstrukcji dla pływających obiektów architektonicznych.
Mimo że w Holandii pływające domy nie są niczym niezwykłym – wszak kraj ów jest wyjątkowo bogato wyposażony w rzeki, kanały i różnego rodzaju akweny – wysoki aż na 40 metrów drewniany budynek, który także miałby zostać zbudowany na wodzie okazał się wyjątkowo oryginalnym pomysłem. Tym bardziej ekscytującym, że w swoim projekcie architektonicznym autorzy uwzględnili nie tylko powierzchnie biurowe, ale i taras widokowy, restaurację oraz nawet zieloną przestrzeń publiczną!
Zobacz bardzo oryginalny projekt architektoniczny
Autorzy tego projektu architektonicznego, pracownia Waterstudio, pływającą wieżę chcą zbudować z drewna klejonego krzyżowo (cross-laminated timber, CLT). Są przekonani, że to materiał przyszłości – ekologiczny, wytrzymały, elastyczny, uniwersalny i w pełni bezpieczny. Ma także tę zaletę, że jest bardzo lekki – dlatego właśnie doskonale nadaje się także do budowania z niego obiektów pływających.
Elegant wohnen auf dem Wasser: Wie diese Häuser der Siedlung Schoonship in den Niederlanden, werden weltweit schwimmende Siedlungen geplant, um dem steigenden Meeresspiegel zu trotzen. Foto: Raum Film
Osnabrück . Wie Menschen trotz des Klimawandels gut leben und Hochwassern trotzen können, zeigt Matthias Widter in seinem Film “Erde unter Wasser – Wohnen im Klima-Chaos”.
Aktuelle Forschungsberichte zeigen es: Die Erwärmung der Erde durch den Klimawandel geht schneller voran, als gedacht. Wie gut, dass Experten bereits an Möglichkeiten arbeiten, mit den Folgen leben zu können. So ist das beispielsweise in der Architektur, zeigt Matthias Widter in seiner informativen Dokumentation auf. In ihr stellt er nicht nur Projekte weltweit vor, sondern lässt den Klimaforscher Mojib Latif die Folgen des Klimawandels für die Städte veranschaulichen.
Hamburg beispielsweise liegt nur 100 Kilometer von der Küste entfernt. Steigt der Meeresspiegel durch die Erderwärmung an, kann es in der Metropole wesentlich häufiger zu Hochwassern kommen.
Für Koen Olthuis liegt die Lösung auf der Hand: „Wenn das Wasser kommt, lebt es sich am besten auf dem Wasser“, sagt der niederländische Architekten und Industrie-Designer, der unter anderem an einem Pilotprojekt in Amsterdams Norden beteiligt war. Hier schwimmt eine neue Siedlung auf dem Wasser. Auch andernorts werden solche Wohnmöglichkeiten angedacht, die zudem sehr flexibel sind: Dadurch, dass die Häuser schwimmen, können sie nicht nur an anderen Orten anlegen, sondern auch ganze Siedlungen flexibel an sich ändernde gesellschaftliche Bedürfnisse angepasst werden.
Sarà realizzato in legno lamellare a strati incrociati il primo grattacielo galleggiante al mondo. Alto 40 metri, il progetto è unico e innovativo con ampie vetrate per favorire la luce naturale, sarà destinato ad ospitare uffici, spazi verdi pubblici e un ristorante con terrazza.
Rotterdam, la storica città olandese dalle marcate origine nautiche, ospiterà il primo grattacielo al mondo in legno capace di galleggiare. Progettato dallo studio di architettura e design Waterstudio, già noto per altri edifici galleggianti, l’innovativo progetto è basato sull’uso del legno lamellare a strati incrociati, cross laminated timber (CLT).
“Perché il CLT è il miglior materiale nell’architetturagalleggiante?– Perché le costruzioni in legno lamellare sono più leggere rispetto alle strutture in cemento. E poi il legno è una risorsa rinnovabile in grado di assorbire le tensioni, offre una ridondanza elevata e permette connessioni duttili” dichiarano dallo studio diretto dall’architetto Koen Olthuis.
Il primo grattacielo al mondo galleggiante
Alta 40 metri, vi starete chiedendo quale segreto si nasconda dietro la sua caratteristica principale: il galleggiamento. “La risposta è molto più semplice di quella che pensate” dichiarano dallo studio. La torre verrà interamente realizzata in legno a strati incrociati, caratteristica che donerà all’intera struttura molta più leggerezza. “Inoltre – continuano i progettisti – costruire con una risorsa rinnovabile come il legno, fornirà alla città di Rotterdam un’immaginesostenibile e all’avanguardia”.
L’architetto Olthuis paragona il design dell’edificio a quello di un foglio di carta i cui lati vengono spinti verso il centro, finché si crea una collinetta, che in questo caso corrisponde al grattacielo.
Una caratteristica peculiare dell’edificio è la presenza di una serie di colonne V sull’intera facciata, visibili già avvicinandosi alla struttura.
Vegetazione e luce naturale: i valori aggiunti del grattacielo in legno
La torre in legno galleggiante ospiterà principalmente uffici e spazi aperti al pubblico. I primi saranno localizzati nella parte più alta, mentre la zona inferiore e il ponte principale saranno adibiti ad usi diversi come una galleria e un bar. Sempre sul ponte inferiore, un ristorante sarà caratterizzato da una splendida terrazza che offrirà una vista mozzafiato sul porto.
Un lussureggiante cortile permetterà ai lavoratori e ai visitatori di godere di aria fresca e pulita di giorno o di notte. L’intera area è progettata per essere uno spazio multifunzionale in grado di ospitare eventi durante tutto l’anno.
Grandi vetrate delimiteranno entrambi i lati dell’edifico, permettendo alla luce naturale di illuminare gli spazi interni e l’ampio atrio centrale. Un modo semplice ma funzionale per godere della luce naturale nel grigiore del tempo olandese.
Gli spazi interni ed esterni verranno abbelliti grazie all’abbondante vegetazione che ritroveremo nei giardini e negli orti che puntellano l’intero edificio, sia all’esterno che all’interno. Lo stesso grattacielo sorgerà su una piattaforma ricoperta da piante e alberi.
“I’m a real estate developer and this is a developer’s dream,” spoke Lela Goren, a NYC-based developer and investor during a UN Habitat event as she looked over a scale model of Oceanix City—a floating city concept that could be deployed around the world. In this era where the value of and need for coastal property throughout Asia is so high that dozens of countries are creating hundreds of square kilometers of artificial land for urban development, her words resonated throughout the room. Not only may floating cities be a salve to help to mitigate the impacts of rising sea levels, but also a way for governments and developers to create vast swaths of much-coveted space for highly profitable coastal development by building out into the sea in a more environmentally sustainable way than land reclamation.
“Most cities are located nearby water and this number will also increase in the next decades,” said Kees-Jan Bandt, the CEO of Bandt Management & Consultancy. “This was already the case a hundred years ago: water is life and always has been a center of economic activities.”
For this reason, coastal cities have been drawing people towards them at an ever-increasing rate. Nearly three million people move from the countryside into cities each week, with the bulk of this migration heading to coastal cities, which now contain over half of the world’s population and are, quite literally, bursting at the seams. This is a situation that is expected to only grow more dire, as UN Habitat predicts that by 2035 90% of all mega-cities—metropolises with over 10 million people—will be on the coast.
Over the past decades, coastal cities across Asia have been responding to the need for more land by simply making it themselves. Land reclamation—dumping or corralling sand in aquatic areas to create new land—has grown to bonanza-like proportions, as Asian cities build arrays of high-value housing, luxury shopping malls, entertainment facilities, transportation infrastructure, and even entirely new cities where there was only open water not long ago. From 2006 to 2010, China was tacking on an additional 700 square kilometers of new land each year. Malaysia is engaged in mass reclamation work for the 700,000-person Forest City project as well as a slew of luxury developments in Penang and Melaka. Sri Lanka’s capital of Colombo reclaimed enough land to build an entirely new financial district that’s meant to rival Singapore. South Korea built the Songdo “smart city” entirely on land expropriated from a bay. Dubai has turned reclamation into an art. While upwards of 20% of Tokyo and nearly 25% of Singapore is on land that nature didn’t make.
“In some Asian countries it is sometimes easier, quicker, and, on the long-term, cheaper to reclaim land from the sea than develop on existing land because of land ownership,” Bandt explained.
In already crowded coastal cities, large swaths of development land are rare, and the procurement of such often requires costly and complicated evictions and relocations. So land reclamation was often seen as a win-win for developers and municipal planning boards: they could get fresh, barren land in high-value, central locations without needing to deal with the trouble of land owners or tearing down already built-up areas. Also, in most countries, reclamation is a land rights wild card, as there are no existing statutes on the ownership of land created on the sea—it’s a simple matter of makers-keepers. And the profits from land reclamation? According to Ocean University of China professor Liu Hongbin, land reclamation in China could produce a 10- to 100-fold profit.
However, there is another side of land reclamation that isn’t all glittering shopping malls and gleaming gantry cranes. It turns out that land reclamation is environmentally hazardous.
“Once you reclaim, you lose the ecosystem,” Professor Jennie Lee, a marine biologist from Malaysia Terengganu University, stated bluntly. “The coral reef, the mangrove are the shoreline’s protector, so once you reclaim, you destroy the natural protection to the coastline and, over time, you will see the water currents change and physical changes of the coastline itself: some beaches will have more sands piling up and some beaches will be eroded away. When you pile side dunes on an area, you have a lot of runoff, a lot of siltation happens,” she continued. “When you increase the turbidity of an area the phytoplankton reduces because there is not enough light, and then it just goes to the next level: the fishes reduce because there is no more food for them, and after that it will just change the ecosystem itself.”
Besides being environmentally hazardous, land reclamation is contributing to the depletion of a resource that until recently was thought to be inexhaustible: sand. According to many reports, the sand wars have already begun, with many countries throughout Asia banning the export of the resource and organized crime syndicates filling the void by trafficking it like a narcotic. The world is running out of suitable sand for development—our thirst for concrete, of which sand is a necessary component, and artificial land has pushed the resource to the brink.
There is also another unfortunate, often inopportune thing about land reclamation: it is often no match for nature.
“Even in Dubai, with the world’s best engineering and obviously a lot of money, many of their land reclamation projects don’t hold after a decade,” said Marc Collins Chen, the founder of Oceanix, one of the leading companies driving the development of floating cities. “If you look at Japan, the Kansai airport—built with state of the art engineering and a lot of money—it’s sinking, and it’s sinking fast.”
As the years pass, countries throughout Asia have started to understand the pernicious impacts of their land reclamation activities, and many want to see the projects come to an end. China has already banned all but essential land reclamation developments in 2018, and earlier this year, Zhejiang province doubled-down on Beijing’s order.
Meanwhile, the demand for more coastal development land continues to exist, signaling that a new solution is needed.
Could floating cities be the answer?
A substitute for land reclamation is now being proposed, offering the same perks—cheap and easy to make blank slates for development—without as many of the environmental and social drawbacks. They call them floating cities, but the term is an overt misnomer. Floating cities don’t actually float, but are essentially platforms that are anchored to the seabed in coastal areas. The technology is not new—it’s basically the same idea as an oil rig or large dock, only with a city built on top of it. Once the intellectual property of libertarians looking to construct utopias and tax shelters, the idea is now creeping into the consciousness of the commercial real estate sphere worldwide.
“The economic potential is in the hundreds of billions of dollars,” opined Collins Chen. “More and more countries are banning commercial land reclamation while population pressures on coastal cities continue to grow. Floating cities become the only option to expand onto the ocean sustainably.”
There are currently dozens of floating city models that are being tested and proposed around the world by a new class of innovator dubbed the aquapreneurs. In the Netherlands there is a company called WaterStudio, that has already built small-scale floating buildings, including UNESCO-backed schools. Recouping from its failure in French Polynesia, the Seasteading Institute—which was founded by PayPal founder Peter Thiel and Milton Friedman’s grandson—is still adamant about building floating cities to create a space for innovative forms of governance and economics. The Chinese construction giant CCCC is also in the floating city game, commissioning a design for a floating city that looks like “a sprawling buoyant landmass made from prefabricated hexagonal modules.” The French architecture firm XTU developed a floating city concept called X SEA TY. The architect Vincent Callebaut designed a floating city called Lilypad that would house 50,000 people in an array of high-rise towers that look like, yes, lily pads. Then there’s Marc Collins Chen’s Oceanix City—a design that has already received considerable traction.
This visionary group of “aquapreneurs” believes that humanity’s future isn’t found in recoiling from sea level rise or stemming the tides of coastal migration, but in facing the reality in front of us and building out into sea to an extent that would make even the most ambitious land reclamation engineer blush. Rather than engaging in a perpetual fist fight with the ocean, the aquapreneurs are saying that we should build over top of the sea and just let nature do its thing down below.
“Eventually, it’s going to happen. There is no turning back. We are going to eventually have floating cities,” declared Nathalie Mezza-Garcia, a complexity scientist who once worked with the Seasteading Institute.
While there is not yet an example of a living floating city, the model does present the potential of being less environmentally hazardous than land reclamation. Floating cities don’t require large amounts of sand to create, preserving a dwindling resource and negating the damage done to the environment in the locales where the sand is sourced and where it is deposited.
“Floating is a lot better than land reclamation because it protects the marine environment. It can be easily be removed or expanded, whereas land reclamation usually takes a bunch of sand and dumps it over a place, killing everything that lives there,” Mezza-Garcia explained.
Floating cities are also being touted as being cheaper and faster to construct than land reclamation. When developers reclaim land there is generally a multi-year waiting period for the sediment to settle before it is safe to build on. Floating cities have no such requirements: you can start building the day the platform is anchored.
“So let’s say Shenzhen needs 5,000-person low income housing,” Collins Chen proposed. “You could literally tow it in within months instead of waiting ten years [for the reclaimed land to settle]. Reclaimed land is expensive because you got to bring trucks and trucks of sand and dirt and then you have to bring all of the teams to actually build and lay the concrete slab. Whereas, floating cities can be entirely built in a factory, towed out, and assembled. So it really is about the environment, costs, and speed.”
Floating cities are not only for idealistic libertarians anymore, but grounded entrepreneurs looking to be a part of the next big boom in real estate development.
Rotterdam’s already-iconic cityscape will be getting a new addition in the form of a floating wooden tower. The building is designed by renowned architects Waterstudio, who have produced stunning floating buildings before.
How will the building float?
Now, you might be wondering how a solid building can float on water. The answer is deceptively simple: instead of its bulk being made out of concrete (which is, of course, very heavy) the new tower will be made mostly from wood. To be precise, it will be constructed using Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), a material that Waterstudio has prior experience with. Not only does this mean that the 130-foot-tall building will be light, it also means that it will be made out of a renewable resource. It will be a beautiful, environmentally-friendly addition to Rotterdam’s skyline.
The interior of the new tower. Image: Architect Koen Olthuis/ Waterstudio.NL
Plants, natural light, and a really cool shape
The wooden tower will mostly function as office space, but some areas of it will be open to the public, including a restaurant and a courtyard, according to Inhabitat. There will be plenty of greenery inside, which makes the plant-lovers among us very happy. A large expanse of glass will cover both sides of the building, allowing lots of natural light inside (which we need, with the everlasting grey of Dutch weather). According to Koen Olthuis, the leader of the firm, the design of the tower resembles a sheet of paper, whose edges have been pushed together to create a hill-shape in the middle.