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Une maison flottante qui résiste aux ouragans

By: Les Clés de demain

Ces maisons peuvent supporter des vents allant jusqu’à 410 km/heure et la montée des eaux.

© Arkup

L’architecte Koen Olthuis et la start-up immobilière Arkup ont dévoilé les plans d’une série d’habitations flottantes au salon nautique international de Fort Lauderdale. Ces structures flottantes ont été conçues pour supporter non seulement la montée des eaux, mais également les vents violents jusqu’à 410 km/heure associés aux cyclones de catégorie 4, rapporte Digital Trends.

Un système hydraulique permet à la maison de se rehausser de plus de 6 mètres en cas de montée des eaux. De plus, une série de panneaux solaires sur le toit permet à chacune de ces maisons flottantes de fonctionner complètement en dehors du réseau électrique en cas de coupure de courant causée par une catastrophe climatique. Ces péniches aménagées intégrent également un système de collecte et de filtration des eaux de pluie, leur permettant de répondre aux besoins de base en matière de ressources en eau douce.

Arkup a inauguré ses premières résidences flottantes lors du salon nautique de Miami en 2019. Un emplacement idéal pour présenter les structures car Miami pourrait être durement touchée par le changement climatique. Selon les scientifiques, la ville pourrait être au moins partiellement submergée d’ici 2100.

Les premiers logements d’Arkup ne seront probablement pas une option pour la plupart des gens, en particulier avec un prix pouvant atteindre les 5,2 millions d’euros. Ce prix se justifie néanmoins par une surface impressionnante de près de 400 mètres carrés. Le design de ces maisons peut également être personnalisé selon les goûts du propriétaire, avec un maximum de quatre chambres et quatre salles de bains et demi. Elles peuvent être installées à terre, ancrées par des plots hydrauliques, ou mises à l’eau. Avec ce premier modèle à son actif, Arkup envisage de créer des structures plus petites, d’une superficie d’environ 150 mètres carrés et dont le prix sera bien évidemment inférieur.

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Water: The next Frontier

By Erik Bojnansky
BT Senior writer

For a view million, you can ride out the rising seas in style


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Duurzaamste drijvende woonwijk van Europa ligt in Amsterdam

By: AD
Nederland en de wereld


In de rubriek Nederland en de wereld van het AD is het project Schoonship uitgelicht waar Waterstudio bij betrokken is geweest.

Duurzaamste drijvende woonwijk van Europa ligt in Amsterdam

De duurzaamste drijvende woonwijk van Europa ligt in Amsterdam en is bijna af. Toekomstige bewoner Matthijs Bourdez geeft een rondleiding en laat zien wat zijn woning zo duurzaam maakt.

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Waterstudio in Globe+, The Asahi Shimbun Newspaper

By Hiroyuki Ota
The Asahi Shimbun Newspaper

Koen Olthuis, the president of the design office “Waterstudio” in the suburbs of The Hague, aims for more aggressive business development of “water living”.

The company has designed about 250 water residential houses, including the residence of the schoonschip so far. But Olthuis’ s ambition is magnificent. “The majority of the major cities are in the delta area of the coast and are being overcrowded in addition to the crisis of the sea level rise. And to overcoming this deadlock, it is the best way to make the whole new floating city on the water in the coastal part of the city. It is enough to be able to do with existing technology. ”

Olthuis has been trying to make water floating constructions in Maldives ,Miami, and so on along with the developer Dutch Docklands who founded and invested by themselves. Although it was often hindered by the regulation barriers of governments and municipalities, the wind direction has changed. “If the sea level continues to rise, the administration will be forced to raise a heavy back to make rules for maritime structures.”

Currently, Waterstudio, with 16 European companies, aims to accumulate know-how necessary to create a large-scale floating island on the sea, with the financial support of the European Community “space @ sea Space”project. The plan is supposed to create a city floating in the North Sea.

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Future Proof: Arkup Luxury “Boathouse”

By Rhapsody magzine

The Arkup #1 floating home is a US$5 million luxury boathouse investment against rising sea levels

For sale for US$5.5 million, the luxurious Arkup floating house should be the ultimate high net worth individual’s contingency plan against the looming spectre of rising sea levels

The Arkup No.1 Floating Home is not just a luxurious concept but a revolutionary one. Designed by Dutch architect Koen Olthuis of, Arkup is a unique floating home realised from Olthuis’s  philanthropic focus on future habitats and the challenges of rising sea levels and floods resulting from climate change as well as the needs of a booming world population.

The 4 bedroom (each equipped with its own en-suite bathroom) luxury “houseboat” is an off-grid “blue dwelling” and so you aren’t exactly “living on a yacht” – you get to enjoy all the creature comforts of landed real estate except that you’re living right on the water instead of a mere waterfront.

Ranked 122nd on TIME Magazine’s list of the most influential people in the world, Olthuis and his firm specialises in floating structures and homes. His own native Netherlands (through innovative use of dikes, Holland is built mostly on wetlands) with one-third reclaimed land and sits below sea-level so water-based issues are challenges that he has a unique perspective on. The Arkup No.1 or officially “Arkup #1” is a 75 ft (22.9m) long two-story luxury houseboat with 4,350 sq ft of space; the first edition floating home was furnished by Brazil’s Artefacto.

For sale for US$5.5 million, Olthuis’s luxurious Arkup floating house should be the ultimate high net worth individual’s contingency plan against the looming spectre of climate change. Unveiled at the recent Miami Ycaht Show, the Arkup #1 floating home boasts solar power, stabilizing hydraulic stilts, and its own engines. The hydraulic stilts are an innovating  self-elevating system can go down 20 feet to lift it above the waves, keeping you and your home safe in a storm. Suffice it to say, if you happened to be caught away from the shore during a storm or a calamitous tsunami event, the Arkup is a literally boathouse, it would just float on the mega waves. Arkup No. 1 is also designed to withstand a Category 4 hurricane (up to 250 km/h winds) and carries stories stored solar energy reserves in its 1,000 kWh battery pack for night time power needs as well as a rainwater collection system for moderate water self-sufficiency.

A pair of 100kW thrusters with 272 horsepower can move the Arkup #1 luxury boathouse up to seven knots, allowing high net worth individuals to flee some of the devastation should a climate disaster strike. Arkup livable yachts combine the best attributes of yachts, floating houses and waterfront villas, with the added benefits of being self-sufficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly.

#1 is for sale in Miami and there are plans to build three more in the next 12 months. There are also preliminary project plans for eco-resorts in the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean.

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Arkup’s incredible floating home is finally complete… and it’ll cost you $5.5 million

By Adam Williams
New Atlas
Photo credits: Craig Denis


The Arkup #1 is rated to withstand Hurricane winds of up to 155 mph (250 km/h)(Credit: Arkup)


You could be forgiven for thinking that Arkup’s ambitious concept for a floating home would never be realized, but it has indeed been built and is now for sale for a cool US$5.5 million. Boasting solar power, stabilizing hydraulic stilts, and its own engines, the first model was recently unveiled during the Miami Yacht Show.

The Arkup #1, as it’s officially called, is a 75 ft (22.9 m)-long two-story ultra-luxury houseboat comprising 4,350 sq ft (404 sq m) of floorspace. It was designed by Dutch architecture firm Waterstudio.NL and the model pictured was furnished by Brazil’s Artefacto.

Its most interesting feature compared to other floating homes we’ve seen is its hydraulic stilts. These can be deployed to a depth of 20 ft (6 m) to stabilize the dwelling or lift it above the water line to avoid waves and reduce hull maintenance. The firm also says that it’s rated to withstand Category 4 Hurricane winds of up to 155 mph (250 km/h).

There’s a lot of other tech installed in the Arkup #1 too, including a 36 kW solar panel array and up to 1,000 kWh battery bank that Arkup says is sufficient to power it off-the-grid. Rainwater is collected from the roof and purified for drinking, and a bunch of communication systems are used for the internet, TV and radio. The home is propelled by a pair of 100 kW (134 hp) electric azimuth thrusters, allowing it to reach 7 knots.

The Arkup #1 is fronted by a slide-out deck area, and generous glazing. The model shown features an open-plan ground floor layout with lounge, dining area, kitchen, and a bathroom. Upstairs, there are a total of four bedrooms, each with an en-suite bathroom.

The model pictured is for sale in Miami and Arkup tells us it plans to build three more in the next 12 months. The firm is also looking into the possibility of developing eco-resorts in the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean.

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Stormbestendige watervilla: Nederlander bouwt stad van de toekomst

By Frederique Dormaar
RTL Nieuws
Photo credits: Waterstudio

Net als olieplatformen in de Noordzee kan deze watervilla zich uit het water opduwen.

Het Nederlandse architectenbureau heeft een luxe waterwoning gebouwd, die zich tijdens een orkaan boven de golven uit kan drukken. Dit ontwerp is pas het begin, want er wordt hard gewerkt aan de stad van de toekomst waar woontorens, parkeergarages en parken allemaal drijvend zullen zijn.

Architect Koen Olthuis is net terug uit Miami. Daar is zijn nieuwste project gepresenteerd: een orkaanbestendige watervilla. “De eerste ter wereld”, volgens Olthuis. Bij een hevige storm kan de waterwoning zichzelf wel zes meter uit het water duwen.

Meters boven zee

Bij een traditionele woning op het water slaan golven tegen het huis aan tijdens een orkaan. “En de wind kan er niet omheen”, legt Olthuis uit. Die problemen zijn opgelost wanneer de waterwoning, via palen op de zeebodem, uit het water wordt gedrukt. “Golven slaan dan niet meer tegen de woning en de wind kan er onderdoor.”

De watervilla is gebaseerd op Nederlandse offshoretechniek. Olieplatformen in de Noordzee kunnen zich ook uit de zee duwen als er een storm opsteekt, vertelt Olthuis. Die techniek heeft, dat Olthuis samen met zijn compagnon vijftien jaar geleden heeft opgericht, in zijn nieuwste waterwoning toegepast.

Deze villa kan zichzelf uit het water duwen.

Maquette van een woontoren

Nederland loopt van oudsher mijlenver voor als het gaat om bouwen in en op het water en Olthuis en zijn collega’s maken steeds opnieuw gebruik van die kennis. “Het is net een snoepwinkel”, zegt de architect, die via moederskant uit een scheepsbouwer-familie komt en via zijn vader ingenieursbloed heeft.

De stormbestendige watervilla is met een prijs van 5,5 miljoen euro alleen beschikbaar voor de ‘happy few’, maar er wordt gewerkt aan gangbaardere varianten. “Deze techniek biedt enorme kansen. Je kunt wel 50 ton uit het water duwen. We nu zijn bezig met een drijvende toren van acht lagen. Ik heb de maquette voor me staan.”

Drijvende parkeergarage leasen

Maar de ambities van Olthuis en zijn bureau reiken verder dan dat. Stadions, parkeergarages, studentenflats en zelfs complete parken zouden allemaal drijvend moeten worden. Steden zouden zo veel flexibeler worden, is de gedachte.

Nu zijn steden statisch, legt hij uit. Wegen en bebouwing liggen vast. Je kunt daar moeilijk iets aan veranderen, zegt Olthuis. “Op het water ben je veel flexibeler. Je legt studentenwoningen neer, of een stadion, en je kunt ze weghalen wanneer je wilt.” Je zou ook naar een systeem kunnen gaan waarbij stadions of parkeergarages te leasen zijn, filosofeert hij.

Praten met overheden

Tokyo, Singapore, New York en Hong Kong. Steden die water nu als bedreiging zien, zouden het meer als een kans moeten beschouwen. Dat geldt ook voor Miami, waar de orkaanbestendige watervilla van Nederlandse makelij ligt. Door de sponsachtige ondergrond kan Miami geen dijken kan bouwen, dus moet de stad het waterprobleem op een andere manier oplossen.

Daarom praat Olthuis veel met overheden. “We zijn eigenlijk ook een consultancybureau. We onderzoeken en ontwerpen”, zegt hij. Er zijn maar weinig architecten die zich hebben gespecialiseerd in bouwen op het water. Olthuis: “Als er wereldwijd iets moet gebeuren op gebied van bouwen op water, dan komen ze al snel bij ons.”

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A $6 million floating home that can withstand Category 4 hurricanes is now a reality. Take a look inside

By Aria Bendix
Business Insider
Photo credits: Craig Denis

  • After years of development, the housing startup Arkup has debuted a floating home that can withstand rising sea levels and Category 4 hurricanes.
  • The home contains a hydraulic system that lifts it above water and anchors it during heavy winds.
  • Arkup envisions a future where entire communities in Miami and other major cities are designed to float.

Foto: Arkup Arkup’s first floating home debuted in February.

When the housing startup Arkup revealed its plan to build a floating, hurricane-proof yacht in 2017, South Florida had just witnessed the devastating effects of Hurricane Irma, a Category 4 storm that destroyed hundreds of residences.

The company’s models were designed to weather a storm of that magnitude, but it would be another two years before they became a reality.

In February, Arkup debuted its first floating residence at a yacht show in Miami. Climatologists have pointed to the city as one of the areas most vulnerable to climate change.

The price tag for a fully furnished residence is steep – just under $6 million – but Arkup has plans to deliver smaller, more affordable units down the line. The company is accepting offers on its first model, as well as future models that have yet to be built.

For now, the yacht’s solar-powered roofs and hydraulic anchoring system come at a high cost. Its sleek designs also cater to luxury clients who often prefer to live on or near the water.

Take a look inside Arkup’s first floating home.

As a longtime Miami resident, Arkup cofounder Arnaud Luguet noticed that local authorities were struggling to prepare for the effects of climate change.

Foto: The units are just as mobile as a typical yacht.sourceArkup

Luguet saw floating homes as a way to make communities more resilient. He teamed up with Nicolas Derouin, an executive who shared his passion for the ocean and renewable energy, to create Arkup in 2016.

“We wanted to provide the next generation of floating homes or house boats that would be self-sufficient, sustainable, and also mobile,” Derouin told Business Insider.

Arkup’s model was inspired by floating houseboats in the Netherlands, where it’s common to live on the water.

Foto: The interior was designed by the home-furnishing company Artefacto.sourceArkup

Luguet and Derouin partnered with the Netherlands-based architecture firm Waterstudio, which specializes in designing floating homes.

Both Arkup and Waterstudio envision a future in which entireneighborhoods are built on the water in major cities such as New York and Miami.

Arkup’s first-ever model can be built on either land or water.

Foto: Waterstudio sees water as an asset, not a challenge, to new construction.sourceArkup

At 4,350 square feet, the home contains a customizable layout of four bedrooms and four-and-a-half bathrooms. It’s also mobile, so it can be driven to new locations.

Hydraulic studs anchor the yacht in place so it can withstand winds of up to 155 mph.

Foto: The residences provide 360-degree views of the water.sourceArkup

The wind speed of a Category 4 hurricane ranges from 130 to 156 mph.

Although the home is designed to bob with the water during a storm, Derouin said the studs help stabilize the structure to prevent motion sickness among residents.

“We wanted [residents] to be as safe and comfortable in the house as they would be on land,” he said.

The yacht’s jack-up system allows the vessel to be lifted up to 20 feet above water.

Foto: Derouin said storm surge poses a greater danger to homes than heavy winds.sourceArkup

Scientists predict the US could see nearly 6 feet of sea-level rise by the end of the century under the most extreme climate conditions. Arkup’s homes would clear these water levels, Derouin told Business Insider.

Residents can disconnect from sewage lines thanks to a system that collects, stores, and purifies rainwater.

Foto: Residents of an Arkup home can live off-grid.sourceArkup

The homes also have zero emissions and are powered by rooftop solar panels.

Derouin said Arkup’s next venture is to build floating communities and resorts.

Foto: Miami could see nearly 6 feet of sea-level rise by 2100.sourceArkup

The company hopes to use modular construction to build multiple units on the water. Derouin said Arkup has been in talks with private-island owners about developing floating communities.

The company is also interested in creating more affordable models, such as a floating complex of student homes. Derouin said Arkup is looking into building a “ranch” of smaller yachts that are each about 1,600 square feet. By building smaller, he said, Arkup can reduce its price tag.

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Floating homes in Miami

By Maria de Juan
Neomania Magazine
Volume 38


A innovating form of home has been presented at Fort Lauderdale Boat Show by architects Koen Olthuis and Arkup. The first prototype has been built on Miami River in 2018 and is expected to make a revolution in housing history.

South Florida, especially Miami and the Keys, was one of several regions that Hurricane Irma pummeled in early September last year.

The Category 4 storm brought winds of up to 70 mph, destroying hundreds of houses and knocking out electric power for 5.8 million homes and businesses in Florida.

A new type of solar-powered home could withstand future storms and rising sea levels. Created by the architect Koen Olthuis and a housing startup called Arkup, the new design caused great impact at Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in 2018.

Floating houses are completely powered by roof solar panels and have systems to collect and purify rainwater. They include systems that collect and purify rainwater for residents to use for their bathing, kitchen and plumbing needs. Each home’s layout can be customized.

These moveable homes would be able to withstand winds of up to 156 mph, classified as a Category 4 hurricane. They are designed to be buoyed so that when water levels rise during a storm, they will bob with the water.

The luxury homes, which Olthuis and Arkup call “livable yachts,” will feature hydraulic jack-up systems to anchor and stabilise them during storms and hurricanes. They are designed to lift 40 feet above the ocean to prevent flooding.

The team expects each home to cost $2 million to $3 million. Olthuis is known for designing homes on water. His innovating architecture firm, Waterstudio, has concentrated exclusively in floating buildings for over a decade.

In 2006, they created and built a similar house off the coast of De Hoef, in the Netherlands. Unlike with the livable yacht concept and other kinds of houseboats, its owner can’t drive it away.

Waterstudio also designed a floating villa, a floating hotel in Dubai and a floating wildlife habitat tower in Dianchi Lake, near KunmingChina, all completed in 2018.

Koen Olthuis is a young Dutch architect born in 1971. He studied Architecture and Industrial Design at Delft University of Technology. He is founder of the Dutch architectural firm, Waterstudio which specialises in floating structures to counter concerns of floods and rising sea levels. The firm is currently based in RijswijkThe Netherlands.

In 2005, together with Paul Van de CampOlthuis co-founded another company that focuses in developing floating structures.

In 2010, together with David KeuningOlthuis is the author of an innovating book called “Float!: Building on Water to Combat Urban Congestion and Climate Change” (Frame Publishers, 2010).

Olthuis is currently a member of the Flood Resilience Group UNESCO-IHE. The Group in Delft, focuses on establishing resilient urban water management. Often partnering with both private and public organisations, this Group takes a trans-disciplinary approach to enhance te resistance of cities to extreme weather events by incorporating urban water system planning, design and governance.

Koen Olthuis owns eight patent rights on the method for producing floating bases.

The young architect, inventor and book writer was protagonist inTIME Magazine in the article “Are they worthy?”. In 2007, Olthuis was ranked as number 122 in TIME readers’ poll as “the most influential people of the year“, with a rating of 45 out of 100 possible points. He reappeared in the same ranking on November 2011.

Livable yachts and other floating homes are the future of housing, especially in the face of climate change.

We can guess to see more floating neighbourhoods in the next 5 to 10 years. They will probably happen in MiamiNew York and Tokyo.

Cities will start to see the water as an asset for the architecture of the future.

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Koen Olthuis as speaker at Batibouw Brussels

Koen Olthuis  shared Waterstudio’s vision of  ‘The Rise Of The Blue City’ at Batibouw Brussels.


By Batibouw

Op donderdag 21 februari reikt BATIBOUW opnieuw de Belgian Building Awards uit. Tijdens een galadiner, met architect Koen Olthuis als keynote speaker, worden de winnaars bekendgemaakt van vijf architectenawards en één innovation award. De Belgian Building Awards prijzen de realisaties van architecten, bouwheren, studiebureaus en aannemingsbedrijven. BATIBOUW organiseeert dit evenement in samenwerking met redactiebureau Palindroom, de Orde van Architecten, en magazine Ik ga Bouwen & Renoveren.


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